Not sure what career is right for you? You’re not alone! Discover what makes you tick.

dream job

Let’s face it folks, for some, finding a dream job we are passionate about can be a daunting task, filled with much anxiety, stress, and uncertainty. But did you know there is nothing abnormal about this? That’s right, it’s just the way it is for some of us and understanding this is the first step in finding a career we thoroughly enjoy.

Now let us take a moment to get your brain thinking or like I like to say – “get your noodles cranking”. So take a moment right now and think about what your dream job looks like for you.

Can you envision it?

Ask yourself what are you most happiest doing?

For me, my dream job is more than a career/profession that simply provides for a means of living or sustenance. I feel happiest in a career that helps provide positive meaning to myself and others around me. It is a work environment that not only harnesses my passions but also allows me excel and grow my skills. My dream workplace is a harmonious community that contributes to my overall well-being and happiness in life – not a workplace filled with gossip and toxicity. Lastly, my dream job is not just about money, it’s more about the job being the right fit in my life at that moment in time.

It wasn’t always like this.

Unlike our parents, it’s not uncommon in today’s world to change careers multiple times.

I started out in child care at the early age of 16, working at a local daycare in Okotoks and babysitting for several families and friends. Looking back I have to admit that I thoroughly enjoyed being in the company of children. I learned very quickly that I really loved children; caring, interacting and assisting in their development felt very rewarding and brought immense joy to my life.

After some time in Okotoks, I moved to Calgary and continued in child care but quickly noticed something was different. The politics associated with bigger child care centers, were slowly removing the joyful and rewarding experiences I had learned to love. I was becoming unhappy and I needed a change.

Sometimes we need to move on to truly find what career we were really meant to do.

I pulled away from child care as a career and began to explore other options. You name it, I did it. Everything from fast food, to customer service, to retail, to warehousing, to cooking, to makeup artistry, to office admin, to animal care.

I don’t regret going through these changes, here’s why.

Although I may have felt a little lost at times, changing jobs provided me with many opportunities to explore and discover new skills I possessed. It challenged my comfort zone and further reinforced what I like, loved and disliked. It was a learning experience that really made me understand who I was as a person and what made me tick – making a positive difference to the people, animals, and environment around me.

Be patient, finding your dream job can take a little bit of time.

Start by taking the time to rediscover yourself and what makes you tick! I found that a good start was taking a three-day career planning program offered by the Government of Alberta here in Calgary. It was free and was taught over the span of three weekends so you don’t have to miss any time from work.

Upon completion of the career planning program, I encourage you to seek out career fairs to help you look at what careers are actually out there. You’ll be surprised at what’s available. I also recommend that you take the time to connect with industry professionals and find out what they love about their careers. They’ll provide you with valuable insights.

Career resources are plentiful, take advantage of them.

There are also many online resources available to assist you in your rediscovery. You don’t necessarily need a University degree or two-year post-secondary diploma to find your thing. There are many inexpensive online learning centers such as and, that offer online courses while also allowing you to gain certifications udemy.comthrough their exclusive teachings. This is a great way to get your feet wet and learn practically anything on your own schedule.

These online learning centers have a very wide range of unique and very sought after trades and general skills courses. The courses are fairly inexpensive and fairly easy and convenient to follow, making obtaining a certificate or diploma much easier than you may think. For example, I personally completed a Reiki Master Course as well as an Animal Care Business course in a matter of a couple months (learning during evening and weekends).

Today I am happy and am where I need to be career-wise.

After many years away from child care, I am happy to say that I have gravitated back to that one career that I thoroughly enjoyed most. A week ago I started a new position in child care, Nanning three adorable, loveable and extremely happy children. A 360-degree switch from working in the service side of corporate Calgary and away from the nine to five grind.

All this wouldn’t have been possible without pushing my comfort zone and challenging myself. Getting back into child care is where I am meant to be today and right now. It is the place I find success, personal satisfaction and happiness. It is the place where my contributions are appreciated and accepted. It is the place I where I can truly make a difference.

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Until next time!


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